Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Great Iphone Debate

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Lately in our house Adrian (husband) and I have been having the big Iphone Debate. We both have one. We are both obsessed with them. We are both getting tired of our own behaviors.

Oh the pesky Iphone. It does so much for us. We can text at an extremely fast rate. We can Facetime with relatives both near and far. We can listen to Pandora. We have apps. Apps. APPS! What a wonderful device. I can take a pic in a mere second, upload it, send it to 10 friends, I can do things FAST! I can check email in a second. I can stop at a stoplight, whip out my phone, check. Message. Email. Facebook.

I can stand in the line at Mix and check messages, Zulilly, Facebook, Email. I could run the world with this handy device. What amazing things I can do.

Oh, but wait! There's a flip side to all of this Iphone porn. It's a F#$@^%$ HUGE distraction. Oh my god! HUGE.

I can no longer go to the bathroom with my own thoughts. Bathroom is that sacred place where (hopefully) you will not be bothered. My quick pee now will last a good 10 minutes.. as long as I have my phone.

I can no longer respond to a text 30 minutes after someone has sent me one. They want an immediate response, because they too are now addicted to this overwhelming sense of urgency. You have an Iphone, You must have it on you. WHY ARE YOU NOT TEXTING ME BACK????????

I can no longer sit on my sofa with my own thoughts. I might try, but within a second I feel the buzzing. The little device aggravating me saying "You have a message! Why are you not paying attention to me!"

Not only am I addicted to this material thing, my children are starting to. They get these grabby, annoying hands that launch towards my precious white box. They want it. Why do they want it??? Because I throw a fit if they dare try and take away my crack phone!

I am wasting precious time that I could be doing other things. Iphone, you take away from my concentration. I can be sitting with my children, reading a book.. and buzzzzz. there you go again. You distract me. And like a true addict.. I can't finish the last sentence in Good night Moon because you have alerted to me and are causing me anxiety.

Oh, the anxiety. It's mind numbing. Always something to check, always something to do. Always mindless.

I held out a long time with getting an Iphone. I hated when I would be with friends and I couldn't tell if they were even paying attention to me, because in a heartbeat they would be on their phones. Old School phones didn't do this. Do you remember standing in line somewhere, 10 years ago, and seeing almost EVERY single person staring down at their smartphone? What in the world did we used to do while standing in line? Did we have thoughts? Did we think to this is a nice day? I swore that I would never be one of these people. I am now. I have that thing attached to me like it's a part of me. It's like my left hand. I really need it.

Can you remember the last time you dropped your Iphone? Panic was overwhelming as it slowly made it's way down to the floor. You hoped, oh you hoped, it was ok. Or the time you submerged it in water and you had to rush it to the Iphone hospital and you prayed for the first time in years. You prayed that dear phone would survive. While you waited the dreadful 24 hours you searched the internet and hung your head in shame thinking that you were going to have to pay $600 to replace it!?!?!

The money! Oh the money! My grandfather would roll over in his grave if he knew how much we paid in cellphone bills each month. We do it because we feel like we have to do it, but we don't. A phone for $140 a month? That's almost a car payment. That's a chunk that can go to my son's going to the Waldorf school. In just a phone....

 My other rant on this shiny crack piece is I am NEVER able to disconnect. We have a computer in our house and two Iphones. Both my husband and I sit on the sofa and one of us, if not both, is eyes wide open on our phone. It's the norm now. I have friends over, they are on their phones. I go to dinner with people, they are on their phones. My favorite is when people show up for a "catch up with friends dinner" and they plop their phones on the table.. REALLY? You want to catch up with me? Can I at least have your complete attention?

It's due time for a disconnectivity intervention. Luckily my husband and I are on the same page. We both agree that we have made our way into icky Iphone territory. We are fed up with our behaviors. Both of us are addicted, so no, we can't just put them in the other room and not think of them. This is our personality.

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So.. What are we going to do? Gasp! I think we are saying good-bye to this shiny devices. In an effort to be able to focus more, pee in less than 10 minutes, to show our children that technology addiction is not ok, to pay more full attention to our friends, family, and children. We will do this to better ourselves.

It is going to be hard. but we did away with cable. That was hard too. But it can be done. There was a time before crack devices. I think I remember liking those days better.

So what am I planning on doing after my addiction wears off? I hope to read more. I hope to sit with people and pay full attention (and if you are my friend or family.. please, let's drop the phone for a bit).. let's really connect.

Disconnect to Connect.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mark Your Calendars! Kim John Payne!!

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January 20, 2013 @ 9:30am 
Where: Siskiyou School, Ashland, OR

KIM JOHN PAYNE Workshop--Giving Children Choices: How Many & When?
Widely acclaimed speaker and author Kim John Payne returns to Ashland at the request of parents and educators to share Giving Children Choices: How Many & When?

In this talk Kim John Payne will explore....

How to dial back the choices and regain loving authority in your child's life.
How to avoid having everything becoming a negotiation and yet still be a listening and sensitive parent.
An overview of the brain based developmental stages that shed fascinating light on when to introduce choices and how to do it.
Parenting that is child centered, not child led.

Kim has been a school counselor, researcher, and educator for nearly thirty years and a private family counselor for more than fifteen years. He has shared his wisdom with over 100 North American schools and with families around the world through his lectures, workshops, blog, and his book, Simplicity Parenting. 

I am so super excited about this event. Kim John Payne's book, Simplicity Parenting, forever changed my view on child raising. Living a more simple life with children, reducing the extra "noise" of the world, and listening deeply and intently to my own children are some of the great things I have gained from the readings of Kim. I HIGHLY recomend signing up for this event. I ran into my house, turned on my computer and signed up instantly! 

Hope to see you there!!!! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Klamath family time

Adrian had the fantastic idea of a family day to Klamath today. It was such a fun adventure!!! He's been working a ton and our rhythm at home has been greatly disrupted. It was so needed to have a fun family day. 

View of Mount Shasta
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The boys after some great rock throwing
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Bald Eagles. Such beautiful birds. We saw a few this trip.
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Yea, I know, this picture is BAD ASS!!!!
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Pure beauty
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My three favorite people!
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And my lovely boys!
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I am forever grateful to live in this beautiful world. To know such beauty surrounds us in this crazy world. Thank you Earth!

Bummer Alert: My camera started acting up on this trip. I am holding my breath that it's not a permanent glitch and our Hawaii trip won't be disturbed. GASP

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Story Telling

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 {photo courtesy of the Siskiyou School}
Friday evening, the Siskiyou school hosted Nancy Mellon to give a lecture on storytelling. I have never been a big story teller, but have always enjoyed listening to others. I was so happy to hear her speak on the importance of stories with young children and with one another. With the crazy that surrounds us with technology, it's nice to root yourself into the ground, let your mind find a story, and tell it.

We were able to do exercises during this lecture. It was fascinating to watch myself take on the roll as the timid child who was so afraid to share at first. My heart started to race, I got nervous, and then I started to speak. I found myself, at first, afraid to speak, in fear that I would sound foolish, but then I realized I was surrounded by such beautiful people, then I breathed, exhaled... and told my story.

These workshops are really great for me. I walk away with such a new internal confidence. I leave there feeling like a better parent and ready to add more depth into the very layers that we have open in our lives. I leave there feeling even more rooted in Waldorf Education and wondering where this journey is taking me. It's been fascinating and rewarding beyond words and comprehension.

This morning, the boys and I sat for an hour just telling stories. One on each side of me. Their eyes filled with joy, happiness, and wonder. There excitement for me to share with them these words, to see them find their own images, to hear them say "just one more, please mama." Stories that I hope stick with them and they carry on in their lives. Stories that will make them feel safe and warm. Stories full of love.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tiptoe Lightly My Son

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"Walk with me through this field, look gently, walk gently, gazing at the earth. For under each branch, for under each fern, for under the earth, we will see it. The tiny dancers. The tiny umbrellas. They are there. Walk slowly now. Gaze. You will see. Breathe in their beauty. Take a glance. Maybe not touch. For they are here. They stand tall in this busy world. They offer a mystical birth of winter. They are here. 
Tiptoe lightly. 
They are fragile my son.
Let your eyes gaze upon them. 
Look in places you might not see at first. 
For they are there.
Waiting for you to bestow upon them your visions. Your dreams. Your fantasy. Tell the story. "

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To dream. To wander. To enter yourself into the mind of a child. The richness of the unknown. The beauty of innocence. It takes you places you haven't felt since you yourself walked on a winter's day. Exploring the Earth with your hands. Discovering. Fantasizing.

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Developing stories. Enchanting our child's mind. 
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Thank you Mother Nature for all your tiny beauties and the ability to tiptoe lightly with my son. 

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