Monday, May 20, 2013

Some Days Are Perfect

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I've been doing this job of Stay at Home mom for over 5 years now. It's such a rewarding job even though it does have it's challenges. Just today I went to our beautiful park with my 2 year old son. We enjoyed the warmth of the sun, the green grass, and the Japanese gardens. I packed his backpack with watercolors, brushes and his sketch book. Amongst the beautiful sounds of a creek and the shade of the trees, we painted and he explored the creek. It was perfection. The one thing I love about painting with children is watching their concentration. We don't talk a lot, but he shares with me how the color changes on the paper. I love watching him in his work.

Little man's backpack ready for our adventure
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Painting in the park
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Exploring the creek
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It wouldn't be an Oregon childhood without Keens
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Happiness is THIS moment
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It wouldn't be a trip to the park without a little swing time
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Then it was nap time for my littlest, and time to paint with my oldest
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