Not really a "holiday" I get all jazzed for, but we are speaking Valentine's Day around here. Every day (starting today) we are going to be making Valentine crafts until the 14th. I remember entering first grade and getting a lot of "cool" Valentine supplies to make my very own Valentine sack.
My day was not going so great with my two little ones. Hudson was having the Monday blues.. which means.. Daddy has gone back to work and he really wants him to come back home to play. So Monday's are generally tough around here. So, I went into my supply cases and VOILA! I had all the materials to make some Valentine bags.
Now, I have to fill them. Each night I plan on adding a little note OR treat to add to his bag. Should be fun!
This really doesn't take a whole lot of planning: You need some bags, glue, glitter, some felt or paper, whatever really works. Kids really are not particular on their supplies.. they just like you sitting down with them to Craft!
The hardest part of crafting with kids is getting the space ready. We really need a bigger craft table! OH WAIT! We do have a bigger table, it's just covered in craft supplies. OOPPS!
Huddy coloring his bag and I was cutting felt hearts.
Short stack was patiently looking outside while we crafted. Note: tank your littlest one up with some milk before crafting. Works like a charm.
Learn not to spaz when your toddler dumps your entire bottle of Martha Stewart glitter.
Voila! Our Valentine bags.