Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 Diet Changes

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Like so many other people on this planet, I did make a "diet resolution" this year. It came at the recommendation from my doctor. He believes that gluten and caffeine are a source for a lot of the digestive problems I have. I have been suffering from horrible stomach pains for years and he said cutting these two things out of my diet would warrant profound changes. 


I have currently switched to only decaf coffee, but I do have hopes of eliminating it all together. 

Gluten is YUMMY! 

Let's be honest. There is no real substitute for gluten. Even though they try, the gluten free stuff just isn't that great. My hope is that it starts tasting better with time. For now though, I am trying my hand at just natural whole foods and keeping grains somewhat limited. Smoothies have been a key part of my new diet. I take a bunch of kale and spinach and add fruit.. blend away.. and eat. It's very filling and doesn't leave me feeling the constant need to snack. 

Heather, over at Beauty That Moves, blogged a yummy breakfast recipe Banana Blender pancakes

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These pancakes were really moist and fluffy. I couldn't believe how easy they were to make and kids devoured them **Without Syrup!**

The other shift has been for lunch. I am currently enjoying bean chicken soups and lettuce wraps. They make for easy, no fuss lunches. 

Snacking is easy. A handful of almonds or other nuts. Carrots. Celery with peanut butter. 

I have really enjoyed not finishing my children's snacks. Although, also the hardest! Leftover scone? Nope! Leftover tortilla? Nope! My waistline will thank me for this shift for sure!

It's a life change for sure, but I am also very excited about it. Yes! In just 10 days I have felt so much better. I haven't had any stomach bloating or feelings of getting sick. It's so nice to be listening to my body and deciding to take the necessary changes now. 

When going Gluten Free, understand that you still have to read the ingredients. Gluten Free products still have lots of sugars and ingredients that break down into sugar. Just because it's Gluten Free, doesn't mean it's healthy! 

Let me know if you have any great recipes to share.

1 comment:

  1. ive wanted to try these: but havent got around to it yet!
